segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Show De Rap Levanta Namibe..wmv

Pela primeira vez é organizado um chow dedicado somente ao rap o Grande show de Rap do Nambe. Que contou com a presença de vários artistas do Namibe e de Luanda. Actuaram no espectáculo os seguintes cantores:Nevas Boy, Homobi, Jessé e Fuba,os Eróicos MC, o cantor price, Block Business, Liu Weins, NP, todos da cidade do Namibe.
Também participaram do evento Elsa Baldaia e as candidatas a miss estudantil.
De Luanda estiveram os seguintes cantores: Abdiel Abdizzy, Raiva e Reptail, Adi Cudz, e Cage One. Todos os cantores que actuaram deram entrevistas; Pode-se dizer que foi o melhor show de rap que ja houve no Namibe.

YouTubeTv Namibe imagens de Benegildo Archel e Hélio Hengombe

For the first time organized a chow is dedicated solely to rap show of the Great Rap Namba. Which was attended by several artists of Namibe and Luanda. Acted in the show the following singers: Boy Nevas, Homobi, Jesse and cornmeal, the Eroica MC, singer price, Business Block, Liu Weins, NP, all of Namibe.
Elsa also attended the event and contestants Baldaia Miss student.
Luanda singers were the following: Abdiel Abdizzy, Anger and Reptail, Adi Cudz, and Cage One All singers who performed gave interviews; can say it was the best rap show ever held in Namibe.

Namibe YouTubeTv Benegildo Archel images and Helium Hengombe.

Pela primeira vez é organizado um chow dedicado somente ao rap o Grande show de Rap do Nambe. Que contou com a presença de vários artistas do Namibe e de Luanda. Actuaram no espectáculo os seguintes cantores:Nevas Boy, Homobi, Jessé e Fuba,os Eróicos MC, o cantor price, Block Business, Liu Weins, NP, todos da cidade do Namibe.
Também participaram do evento Elsa Baldaia e as candidatas a miss estudantil.
De Luanda estiveram os seguintes cantores: Abdiel Abdizzy, Raiva e Reptail, Adi Cudz, e Cage One. Todos os cantores que actuaram deram entrevistas; Pode-se dizer que foi o melhor show de rap que ja houve no Namibe.

YouTubeTv Namibe imagens de Benegildo Archel e Hélio Hengombe

For the first time organized a chow is dedicated solely to rap show of the Great Rap Namba. Which was attended by several artists of Namibe and Luanda. Acted in the show the following singers: Boy Nevas, Homobi, Jesse and cornmeal, the Eroica MC, singer price, Business Block, Liu Weins, NP, all of Namibe.
Elsa also attended the event and contestants Baldaia Miss student.
Luanda singers were the following: Abdiel Abdizzy, Anger and Reptail, Adi Cudz, and Cage One All singers who performed gave interviews; can say it was the best rap show ever held in Namibe.

Namibe YouTubeTv Benegildo Archel images and Helium Hengombe.

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